Monday, November 3, 2008


Why do i like DISC so much?
It was my first encounter with a profiling tool and its ease and workability amazed me.

If you had to describe DISC to someone who is new to profiling, how would you describe it?
I would liken D (which stands for Dominance), I (i.e. Influence), S (known as Steadiness, or according to Marston, submission) and C (otherwise referred to as Conscientiousness) to the 3 primary colors (i.e. Red, yellow, blue) and the intensity of light. With these 4, the entire spectrum of colors can be shown – likewise one's behavior can also be portrayed and better understood using these 4 elements, because they not only look into one's method of communication, or persistence, but they also factor in details such as pace.

Does that mean that this tool is to fit me into a box, that others can know how to kick me the hardest?
This profiling tool is not meant for that purpose. Rather, it is to better understand yourself as others see you, so that you can see your blind spots and navigate better.

Why then do you say it can be used for team building?
This is because all people have strengths and weaknesses. For instance, the Cs may be wonderful at planning meticulous ideas, Ds have a flair for showcasing them. Ss sit on the bench and cheer the others on, while Is keep inspiring all with words of inspiration.

How can you say the test is simple, if it can be used in such a wide array of methods?
That's the beauty of it!

Simply put, just try it out for yourself to understand! You're welcome to ask any questions you may have, and can email me at – I'll be only too happy to point you in the right direction!



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